Apr 30, 2011

Black&White portrait

just done my video shooting yesterday, some B&W photos wanna share with you guys~
addicted in black and white photography 

B&W rock!


Apr 20, 2011

my current situation

my current situation = a lot of assignmentNo money

I'm so dead ;(

Apr 12, 2011

Chill out at the Chiling waterfalls

went to Chiling waterfalls in Kuala Kubu Baru last weekend. I'm not sure who suggested to go there but since we were nothing to do so the plan ON! We made our way there in the early Sunday morning, what a early morning... I never been there before, so this is my 1st time ever.

On the way to Kuala Kubu Baru...
angry bird new member~ lol

bought a pair of ugly slipper, because I didn't bring my own slipper~ 

Karen and Alex~ funny couple ;)
I think of 'snake' whenever I see Alex... lol ~ 

accidentally took this picha,  bf seems very happy... beh tahan...

It took about one hour trek from the entrance to the waterfalls, along the journey, we have to cross over 5 rivers.

Entrance fee is RM1 per person. Write down your name and emergency contact number, make sure when something bad happen on you then they can contact with your family. Dai kat lai si~ choi~ safety first!

I planned to take picture all the way to waterfalls, but we have to cross over the rivers so I keep it in the waterproof bag. 

Jason shock face. Gotcha!!!


Finally, we reached!!! The water is definitely freezing~ but I like it! 

feel so gay~ omg~

frog jumping style, super lol!!!

lets introduce to you guys~ my bf's new bf, Jason... lol~ I'm just kidding~
bf always told me that he is bin (bin sexual)... of course I knw that he is kidding. haha...

Okie, that's all


Apr 9, 2011

I need some motivation!!!

Ok, too much homework and no motivation!!! My laziness is killing me slowly... I need some motivation to start my assignment!!!
I'm having mid term break now for 1 week but I got 2 assignments have to submit and 1 presentation on this coming week. Well, I haven't started to do anything yet, bravo right? yes, I am... very proud huh!!! always do everything in last minute and it's always my style. Whenever I would like to do but at last I will put it off, always thinking that I will do it later, so later on la.... but when the 'later' comes, I still don't want to do it. sigh... sometimes is like... I really want to do but the motivation is not around, this is the huge problem of mine, I'm lazy all the times!  T.T somebody help please? T.T 

my current desktop wallpaper... FUCKIEW ASSIGNMENTsssss....

one of the assignmentsssss~ 
guess what I'm going to do with these sketches?
A China fort modified by me, and colors filled by Photoshop.
Okie... I'm going to mock up this fort in 2feet x 2 feet based! gonna rush like hell after that... ;(

wish me luck ;(

Apr 7, 2011

dua gor

星期二那天晚上接到大姐的电话说dua gor过世了,虽然已经有心理准备她会随时离开,但没想到会那么快而且突然...我们是福建人,'dua gor' 在福建话就是大姑的意思。
我不能马上回去因为星期三早上有考试,考完了搭火车回去了... 一路上一直都以平常心对待,心情没有特别的沉重,心理想着一切顺其自然吧。
大姑丈知道我特地回来,一见到我,就紧握着我的手跟我说... 'minn... dua gor走了...走了...',我感觉到他的手在微微颤抖,我顿时心里一片酸,不知道该怎么安慰他,泪水很不争气地落下了...
今天在出殡前,三姑叫我去看大姑最后一次,我绕着棺木看了大姑最后一眼,眼睛又开始不争气了,因为真的是最后一次了... 小表姐哭得陷入崩溃状态,其实亲友们都知道很不舍得... 盖起棺木的那一刻,大姑丈痛哭流涕,第一次见他那么伤心,失去亲人的痛真的不是谁都能理解的。从今以后,他的枕边就少了一个人陪他睡了,一定不习惯吧...

duo gor,您一路好走啊

Apr 5, 2011

the weather is killing me

the weather is so HOT and im gonna die!!!!
help... I need an air-con seriously ;(


Apr 3, 2011


今早突然下起雨了,扫墓延迟了...也不能怪老天不作美,也因为要等有些人的关系,不来也不通知声... 算了,他们开心就好。


我阿麽的名字很特别... 喜欢~



 以前坟前的香支都插的满满的,现在稀少了许多... 大家都很忙吗?




愿他们在另一个世界会好好过... 阿弥陀佛