Oct 3, 2009


Sorry for late...
Here some photos from my photography assignment~
My model is my niece. She is only 14 in this year..
her mother which is my sister was so 'Omg' when she saw her
daughter became like this... lol~ I make her daughter look like
Katy Perry, but almost of my friends said she look like the Ester
from the movie "Orphan". =.=

the previous photographs had been rejected by Che Mat
He said~~ Saya tak mau ini posing posing punya~
because of this, almost of my classmate kena re-shoot again...

Those photos I got uploaded to facebook and I saw someone
commented on my niece photo...
'my lui lui so leng~'
This stupid fellow from MMU also, his name is Ho Yen Yan!
FIT student. Final year some more.
Already 21 years old still want to cheat a little girl!
Hey, uncle Ho, if you don't have a mirror,

please pee on floor like a dog
and use it to reflect you stupid face.

Fuck off !!!! fucker!!!

I pissed off of this seriously!



  1. Wow. don't be that pissed off. and you sounded a little funny with the "please pee on the floor......." =) Not all 21-year old guys are like that i'm sure. haha. just dropping by, by the way. =)

  2. I didn't mean that all 21 years old guy are like what I said~ I pointed the guy out some more...
