May 3, 2009


Argh!!!! Malaysia KTM really SHIT!!!! WTF!!! Always delay and delay!!! What ‘terus maju’ la? TERUK MAMPUS lah!!! FUxK!!! I think many of you who are always take KTM then you must know the feel!!! Argh!!! Malaysia government, please repair the thing that it’s really need to repair la! Ish!!!


This Friday went Singapore with daddy and my uncle aunty. Our transport got some problem since on the way to Singapore, the car’s air con was not cool at all, walao ei~~ damn it, the air temperature is hot, like a burner. Back from Singapore also the same, HOT!!! A very sarcastically song for me…我从新加坡流泪到新山… T.T

Finally, I can eat the ‘zha wan tan’ from mother, I appeal to her since Chinese New Year, half year ago I ate it!!! T.T

Ice- cream warehouse sale~ brother bought a lot, hohoho~~~
The giant M&M’s!!! Only 10 dollar, it’s cute!!! (expensive lo~)

Yummy cheese fondue...

naughty xuan xuan~

Father and xuan~

A Seagate External hard disk from 2nd sis, thanks~^^
night look... pretty shine…

No money to buy, just take a picture at fitting room.^^ like the dress~
night^^ gina XD


  1. yaya!!!!!!!!!!!骂得好!骂得妙!!!!!!

    i support u !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

